Friday 24 January 2014

Man & Woman

The same way a man looks different from a woman is the same way they differ in behaviour but that's why opposite attract.
Good morning & man & woman were created to compliment each other in their differences, not argue on them.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Career journey

Moving to the top in your career is like building a skyscraper: if you neglect & don't maintain the foundation (those who supported you to get to your position) you would eventually crumble.
Good morning & be inspired!

Gold & Ideas/Services

Gold is valuable cos it's rare & requires hard work to extract.
Good morning & if your ideas/services are rare, different & not easily obtainable, it would be valuable & lead to success

Monday 20 January 2014

There's a time for everything

You can take a horse to the stream but you can't force it to drink water.
Good morning & be patient cos when the horse is tasty, it would be the one begging to drink water. There's a time for everything

Thursday 16 January 2014

An Employee is like a Soccer Player

An Employee is like a Soccer Player: the more you improve in your skills, the more valuable you become.
Good morning & if you're very good at what you do, you'll be bid for.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Do your best & leave the rest to God

In life : you can only do so much & leave the rest the God cos at the end He makes the decision & His Will will be done.
Good morning & your effort can't be in vain when God is your aid

Wednesday 8 January 2014


New means something different from the former, usually an improvement.
Good morning & if you're in a new, improved year, you should also strive to advance

Sunday 5 January 2014


Ideas fall like rain drops from heaven & you've the choice of using the idea that falls on you or it evaporates back to heaven & then falls on someone else.
Good morning & every opportunity counts.