Monday 3 March 2014

Investing is like planting

Investing is like planting; if u plant the right seeds in the right soil and give it some time to grow,it would surely produce rich fruits.
Good morning! Investment requires time & time requires investment

Sunday 2 March 2014

Success, Passion & Sacrifice

Success is a product of the combination of Passion & Sacrifice.
Good morning & what you can't sacrifice for, you don't have passion for & therefore can't succeed in it.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Nothing goes for Nothing & Something goes for Something

In life there's always an exchange of something for the other. Time for Time; Time for Money; Money for Service etc. & vice versa.
Good morning & nothing goes for nothing, while something goes for something

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Stress & Pain

A weight lifter goes through stress to be strong;
An oyster goes through pain to produce a pearl;
Good morning! The stress & pain you go through would only make you powerful & prosperous.
Don't give up along the way to success!

Monday 24 February 2014

Overcome, Succeed, Progress, Heal!

As long as we're on this earth we must face challenges, losses, disappointments, hurts etc.
Good morning & you can either use them to make you stronger by overcoming, succeeding, progressing, healing etc. or remain defeated & stale.

Tackle the cause

You can't have solutions without problems & problems can't be solved if the cause of the problem isn't identified.
Good morning & tackle the cause of the problem & stop dwelling on the problem!

Saturday 22 February 2014


We all claim to love but the test of our love is seen when we're offended/hurt by someone
Good morning & love is patient, kind, humble, doesn't keep record of wrongs...(1 Cor:13)

Thursday 20 February 2014

Pride & Ego

No matter the issues involving people, as long as there is a will there is always a way to resolve any problem.
Good morning & problems linger as long as pride & ego persist.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Life goes on....

Life goes on whether you're sad or happy, poor or rich, dead or make the best of it.
Good morning & don't live in regret; take advantage of the opportunities that come.

Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's day

The difference between old & new generation Nigerian women is that if you buy the former a rose for valentine's day, she would think it's romantic but the later would hiss & ask you whether she can eat a rose
Good morning & it's the thought of him buying it for you out of all the girls in the world that counts.
Happy Valentine's day!

Wednesday 12 February 2014


We make choices & the choices make us
Good morning & may the choices we make now bring forth prosperity & fulfillment in the future.

Monday 10 February 2014

Life's limit

When life pushes you against the wall, you can push back with the support of the wall.
Good morning & sometimes you need to reach a particular limit to get enough support/strength to achieve your goal.

In the nick of time

An Eagle pushes its child over the cliff to learn how to fly & overcome the pressures of the wind but catches it in the nick of time before it falls to the ground.
Good morning & despite we go through difficult situations, God is always watching & He would be there in the nick of time.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Relationship and Table Tennis

A relationship is like playing table tennis: As 1 player serves the other receives & vice versa.
Good morning & when one of them is always serving there is something wrong.

Friday 24 January 2014

Man & Woman

The same way a man looks different from a woman is the same way they differ in behaviour but that's why opposite attract.
Good morning & man & woman were created to compliment each other in their differences, not argue on them.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Career journey

Moving to the top in your career is like building a skyscraper: if you neglect & don't maintain the foundation (those who supported you to get to your position) you would eventually crumble.
Good morning & be inspired!

Gold & Ideas/Services

Gold is valuable cos it's rare & requires hard work to extract.
Good morning & if your ideas/services are rare, different & not easily obtainable, it would be valuable & lead to success

Monday 20 January 2014

There's a time for everything

You can take a horse to the stream but you can't force it to drink water.
Good morning & be patient cos when the horse is tasty, it would be the one begging to drink water. There's a time for everything

Thursday 16 January 2014

An Employee is like a Soccer Player

An Employee is like a Soccer Player: the more you improve in your skills, the more valuable you become.
Good morning & if you're very good at what you do, you'll be bid for.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Do your best & leave the rest to God

In life : you can only do so much & leave the rest the God cos at the end He makes the decision & His Will will be done.
Good morning & your effort can't be in vain when God is your aid

Wednesday 8 January 2014


New means something different from the former, usually an improvement.
Good morning & if you're in a new, improved year, you should also strive to advance

Sunday 5 January 2014


Ideas fall like rain drops from heaven & you've the choice of using the idea that falls on you or it evaporates back to heaven & then falls on someone else.
Good morning & every opportunity counts.