Monday 3 March 2014

Investing is like planting

Investing is like planting; if u plant the right seeds in the right soil and give it some time to grow,it would surely produce rich fruits.
Good morning! Investment requires time & time requires investment

Sunday 2 March 2014

Success, Passion & Sacrifice

Success is a product of the combination of Passion & Sacrifice.
Good morning & what you can't sacrifice for, you don't have passion for & therefore can't succeed in it.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Nothing goes for Nothing & Something goes for Something

In life there's always an exchange of something for the other. Time for Time; Time for Money; Money for Service etc. & vice versa.
Good morning & nothing goes for nothing, while something goes for something

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Stress & Pain

A weight lifter goes through stress to be strong;
An oyster goes through pain to produce a pearl;
Good morning! The stress & pain you go through would only make you powerful & prosperous.
Don't give up along the way to success!

Monday 24 February 2014

Overcome, Succeed, Progress, Heal!

As long as we're on this earth we must face challenges, losses, disappointments, hurts etc.
Good morning & you can either use them to make you stronger by overcoming, succeeding, progressing, healing etc. or remain defeated & stale.

Tackle the cause

You can't have solutions without problems & problems can't be solved if the cause of the problem isn't identified.
Good morning & tackle the cause of the problem & stop dwelling on the problem!

Saturday 22 February 2014


We all claim to love but the test of our love is seen when we're offended/hurt by someone
Good morning & love is patient, kind, humble, doesn't keep record of wrongs...(1 Cor:13)